Israel Data Science and AI Initiative 3rd Annual Conference
June 2-4, 2024
Call for Abstracts!
The Organizing and Program Committee of the Israel Data Science and AI Initiative (IDSAI) 3rd International Conference are pleased to open the call for abstracts of contributed papers and poster presentations on topics in Data Science, to be submitted via the Submission Form.
Please send queries to IDSAI Manager, Ronit Lis Hacohen idsi_admin@technion.ac.il
Abstracts submission deadline - 7 March 2024
General instructions for Abstract submission
Please refer your topic to one of the following domains and specific topic:
- Health
- Biology
- Core Methodology and algorithms
- Image Processing
- Networks
- Education
- Digital Humanities
- Data Visualization
- Other
Specific Topic:
- Foundations of Data Science and Machine Learning
- Applied Data Science and Engineering
- Causality
- Biostatistics
- Natural Language Processing and Generation
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Adversarial Learning
- Transfer Learning
- Computer Vision
- Speech Recognition
- Social Network Analysis
- Data Stream Mining
- Multimedia Mining
- Graph Mining
- Big Data Analysis
- IoT Data Analysis
- Industrial Applications
- Statistical Learning
- Data Visualization
- Recommender Systems
- Responsible AI and Social Good
- Generative Models
Presentation Types:
- Oral Presentation
- Poster presentations
Review criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the conference committee based on:
- Quality of content
- Novelty
- Relevance of topic
03 | Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Before you start the online submission, please prepare the following information. Abstracts must be submitted in English via the online Submission link.
- Abstract Title - limited to 25 words. Use Title case (Capitalize each word in the title).
- Abstract Body - (including references and images) - should not exceed 250 words, not including any figures or images. The abstract should explain the topic of your presentation, and describe why the material, research or practice, is important to the field of the chosen category
* One A4 page (including references and figures) - PDF or DOCX format
* 14pt Times New Roman for title
* 12pt Times New Roman for affiliations and main text
Abstracts submission deadline for posters and oral presentations
- Until 07.03.2024
- Notification of acceptance - 04.04.2024
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